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Writer's pictureHePark Art

"With Jesus"

"With Jesus"

18” x 36”, Oil on Canvas, November 2020. Park024

"Every morning at 6am, I walk into my own space. As soon as I turn on the lights, this painting catches my eyes. It encourages me so much with its hope and light. Today, I want to re-share this painting with you and praying all of you receive encouragement, hope, and light from Jesus, just as I receive every morning."

One day, I was looking back on my journey . I felt that my past wasn’t that great and there were many things that I regretted . That night I had a dream where I was on a small boat with Jesus, and I looked back. Behind the boat, the water was full of beautiful colors. That morning I was thinking about that dream, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me; “Your journey was glorious, not because you did something worthy. Just because Jesus loves you with all His heart, and because He gave His life for you.“

"예수님과 함께"

18” x 36”, Oil on Canvas, November 2020. Park024

"매일 아침 6시에 일어나 나만의 작업실로 들어와 불을 밝히면 코너에 있는 이 그림이 나의 눈에 처음으로 들어 온다. 아침 햇살이 창문을 통해 작업실로 빛추기 시작하면 이 그림이 반짝이는데 사진이나 영상으로 다 담을 수가 없는 것이 아쉽다. 이 그림을 볼때 마다 용기와 희망과 빛을 한 없이 받는 것 같다. 오늘 다시 이 그림을 여러분과 나누며 내가 아침 마다 받는 주님의 빛과 용기와 희망이 여러분의 삶가운데도 아침마다 찾아가길 기도합니다." --현

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1 Comment

Dec 15, 2020

Love the painting :)

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